LEVELTPF - I had a William Redd as CO here in NJ within the past 5+(-ish) or so years -- I'm almost certain this is the same guy (our CO did PA as well). . . .
He was black and also single when he visited us. He always was a bit "distant." For instance, when "the friends" would provide lunch for him and the service group at the hall during noon break, he would say the prayer, grab his food, and retreat to an isolated corner of the KH foyer, obviously trying to avoid eye contact/conversation with anyone present. Decent speaker from the stage, but not a "people person."
Funny, I remember him (if this is the guy) going on a bit of a tear against apostates. 'Why do apostates speak out against Jehovahs organization? No one forced them to be here. There's no locks on the back door, you can leave when you please, no one will stop you. So, why do they speak out against us as if they were forced to be here" or something to that effect.